
Thank you for choosing to donate to Porini Foundation

Choose your preferred payment option, the amount and decide between a one-off or renewable donation.
For donations larger than CHF 5,000, please contact Roman Eyholzer.

Donate Ether or ERC20 Tokens using our address porinifoundation.eth or 0x00000016F127c94A667Ae3C9fDF0C31c9C79826f


Use your credit card                      

or TWINT   


or via Bank transfer; please use one of the following IBAN’s for Porini Foundation, CHF: CH35 8080 8008 6610 4537 5; Euro: CH53 8080 8004 3308 9783 0; USD: CH38 8080 8002 5374 0311 7; GBP: CH43 8080 8009 8343 9583 7
with this Bank: Raiffeisenbank Sensetal, Bernstrasse 15, CH-3175Flamatt, Switzerland, ID (BC-Nr.): 80808; SWIFT: RAIFCH22905


You can deduct donations using our swiss tax exemption number: CHE-174.560.255
